Maihama Planning Co., Ltd.
Construction Industry Chiba Prefectural Governor (General-3) No. 50700
Industrial waste collection and transportation No. 217765
Secondhand goods dealer, Chiba Prefectural Public Safety Commission, No. 441430000710
Construction and civil engineering works, interior finishing works, etc.
Demolition work, surveying
Collection, transportation and processing of industrial waste

Heartful Housing Co., Ltd.
Member of the All Japan Real Estate Association
Chiba Prefectural Governor (3) No. 15982
Tel:047-318-3888 Fax:047-711-2908
Construction and sales of detached houses and condominiums
Development and sales of residential areas, etc.
Rental, management and intermediation of office buildings and apartments
Real estate brokerage for buying, selling, renting, etc.

Toyama LLC
Demolition work (wooden houses, commercial facilities, warehouses, asbestos removal, etc.)
Recycle Shop

Relaxation Salon Kokodo

Traditional Chinese Massage Therapy - Kokodo
Tokuzai Co., Ltd.
Gyotoku Public Heights, 3-1-31 Ainokawa, Ichikawa City

Bar de Pescador
Bar Pescadores Urayasu City Todaijima 1-11-1
*Closed on March 26, 2022.