All prices shown include 10% consumption tax.
If our office assists you in obtaining certificates, etc., a separate fee will be charged.
Registration tax, revenue stamps, revenue certificate stamps, and other actual costs may be charged separately (amounts shown in blue) .
For rush orders, an additional fee may apply .
General construction business license
Governor of Chiba Prefecture Governor of Tokyo Prefecture Governor of Saitama Prefecture Governor of Kanagawa Prefecture
Add industry
Accounting change notification
Other Change Notifications
Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
(Kanto Regional Development Bureau)
Add industry
Accounting change notification
Other Change Notifications
Consultation → Estimate
→ Request for initial fee (50% of the total amount excluding deduction fee) → Application → Approval → Request for remaining payment
Please contact us regarding specific construction business licenses and other licenses issued by prefectural governors.
Addition and subtraction fees depending on difficulty
Application for "Business Manager"
Been a director of a licensed company for more than 5 years
Serves as a director in an unlicensed construction company for more than five years
Other requirements apply (pre-certification)
Application for "Full-time Engineer"
Nationally qualified
Work experience in a licensed company
Unlicensed construction company work experience
Rush fee (if you wish to submit your application within two weeks of your request)
If you have not submitted a financial statement change notification when applying for renewal, etc. (per period)
If you are making a request for the first time and would like to provide the following documents:
Complete set of application documents for new or recent renewal
A complete set of the most recent financial statement change notification documents
Both of the above
Apply via the electronic application system (authorization via G Biz ID is required)
First time request
Second time onwards
△10 %
△2 0%
Construction Career Advancement System
Business registration 20,000
・Sole proprietor +6,000
・Capital less than 5 million yen +6000
・Capital less than 10 million yen +12,000
・Capital less than 20 million yen +24,000
・Capital less than 50 million yen +48,000
Administrator ID +11,400/year
One-man business owner and skilled worker registration 30,000/person
Administrator ID +2,400/person
Change in technician registration ( simplified to detailed) 6,000/person
技能者登録 10,000/人
Simplified +2,500/person
Detailed type +4,900/person
Demolition business registration
Governor of Chiba Prefecture Governor of Tokyo Prefecture Governor of Saitama Prefecture Governor of Kanagawa Prefecture
New 60,000 (+33,000)
(Tokyo: +45,000)
Update 50,000 (+26,000)
Change 25,000
Because application procedures vary greatly depending on the prefecture, there are no discounts even if you apply for two or more prefectures at the same time.
Please contact us for other prefectural governor's permits.
Real estate transaction license
Governor of Chiba Prefecture Governor of Tokyo
New 100,000 (+33,000)
Update 60,000 (+33,000)
Change 40,000
Trader qualification registration 25,000
Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
(Kanto Regional Development Bureau)
New 160,000 (+90,000)
Update 80,000 (+33,000)
Change 50,000
Please contact us for other prefectural governor's permits.
Industrial waste collection and transportation business license (not including transshipment and storage)
Governor of Chiba Prefecture Governor of Tokyo Prefecture Governor of Saitama Prefecture Governor of Kanagawa Prefecture
New 110,000 (+81,000)
Update 90,000 (+74,000)
Change 90,000 (+72,000)
If two or more prefectures are held simultaneously, the second and subsequent prefectures will be deducted by 10%.
Transshipment and storage is available. Please contact us for other prefectural governor's approval.
New customers are required to attend a training course (starting from 25,300 yen).
Seminar application agent: 3,000
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Performance Report
Manifests less than 100 sheets 25,000
Secondhand goods dealer license
Ichikawa City and Edogawa Ward, Urayasu City
New 40,000 (+19,000)
With rewrite 25,000 ( +1,500 )
No rewrite 2 0,000
Reissue 20,000 ( +1,300 )
Please contact us for other areas.
Grants and subsidies
Amount of benefit/subsidy
If the amount of the benefit increases or decreases, the amount will be increased or decreased. If the benefit is not received, the amount will be refunded free of charge.
*As of May 1, 2023, we are not offering "grants and subsidies."
I would like to receive advice from our office
I want to get a second opinion
I want information to help me complete the procedure myself.
I want to have my documents checked
In principle, consultations and investigations related to routine cases are free of charge. Fees will be charged if there are no precedent cases or special circumstances exist. In addition, we may charge an additional 6,000 yen per hour for the investigation.
The deliverable is a document organized in Powerpoint or Excel.
Our office
・No deliverables up to 2 hours 6,000
・With deliverables: up to 2 hours 12,000
Katsunan area of Chiba prefecture or Tokyo 23 wards
・No deliverables up to 3 hours 15,000
・With deliverables: up to 3 hours 20,000